In life there comes a moment when you make a history. Your own history. A lifetime achievement. The
Co-Founding and launching an organization in SVG was not a smooth, but rather very challenging ride that ended unexpectedly as it started; nonetheless, with one year of full personal commitment.
And the first joint article about the proposed solutions with National Geographic Voices and Mission Blue!
I think to myself again "this is quite an achievement" Many thanks to my wonderful friends in England, Holland, Italy, Canada and the US that have been very supportive on this journey, and SVG, of course, for the given opportunity. Immense gratitude to Mission Blue Team and encouragement of many great people!
Something to be very proud of! Cheers!
And success again! SVG April 6, 2017! Collectively people achieve great results. The Hope Spot's concern was heard! SVG announces ban on the hunting of bottlenose dolphins, and killer whales!